Over the weekend, the already traditional “Winter Ball” took place under the motto “Love will save the world”. It unites children with special needs and normotypical children in an atmosphere of joy and creativity. This holiday shows that talent and inspiration can overcome any barriers.
The International Charity Foundation of Alexander Petrovsky “Solidarity” acted as the main partner of the event, as it always supports the creative ideas of its little friends. Representatives of the foundation, together with partners – the sports club “Arena”, helped organize the winter ball.
The little ones diligently and sincerely showed their abilities on stage. The children sang atmospheric songs, played musical instruments, demonstrated theatrical and dance numbers. The fabulousness of this evening was added by the exquisite outfits and images of the participants.
Among the spectators and participants were also children from the Dnipropetrovsk orphanage. The Winter Ball reminds us of the main thing – the world will be saved by love and goodness that unites people.