
Special screening of the documentary film “The House of the Word.”

Special screening of the documentary film “The House of the Word.”


On the eve of the release of the feature film “The House of the Word. An endless novel. A special screening of the documentary film “The House of the Word” was held at the Dnipro National Academic Ukrainian Musical and Drama Theater named after Taras Shevchenko with the support of the Alexander Petrovsky International Charity Foundation “Solidarity”.

The documentary film illuminates the tragic history of the spiritual and artistic generation of the Ukrainian people of the 20s and 30s of the last century. In the memory of Ukrainians, this era was imprinted as the “Shooted Revival”. This is the story of the House where the best representatives of Ukrainian culture of those times gathered under one roof in Kharkov: Mykola Khvylevoy, Les Kurbas, Vladimir Sosyura, Pavel Tychyna, Mykhailo Semenko and others. The biography and finale of each of them are different, but connected by the struggle for Ukrainian culture, heritage and identity. Unfortunately, Stalin’s repressions cut short the lives of many artists. Someone was shot, someone committed suicide, and someone was put in psychiatric hospitals and concentration camps. This mainly happened against the background of the Holodomor of 1932-33.

For highlighting the true history of the formation of the Ukrainian people as a nation, this film received favorable reviews from film critics and a number of awards. Modern cultural figures, artists of various fields of activity, teachers of Ukrainian cultural universities approvingly evaluate the documentary tape “Dom Slovo”.

After watching the documentary, the director together with his team talked to the audience. Everyone asked questions they had about the film. Many expressed gratitude for the creative heritage and huge contribution to Ukrainian documentary.

The documentary film “The House of the Word” became the basis and basis of the creation of the feature film “The House of the Word. An Unfinished Novel”. The feature version of the picture was created with the support of the international charity fund of Alexander Petrovsky “Solidarity”.

The feature film “The House of the Word. An endless novel. will be released in all cinemas in Ukraine on May 9, 2024.
