
Gifts for the Dnipropetrovsk regional hospital for war veterans

Gifts for the Dnipropetrovsk regional hospital for war veterans


Dnipropetrovsk Regional War Veterans Hospital specializes in medical, physical and psychological rehabilitation of soldiers, their return to normal life. The institution implements veteran programs and mental health projects, involves partners in cooperation.
The international charity fund of Oleksandr Petrovsky “Solidarity” continues to support medical and rehabilitation institutions of our region, renews medical equipment and material base where patients are brought back to life. The representatives of the foundation handed over the necessary air conditioners for the medical institution. They will be used in the room where medicines are stored at the appropriate temperature.
According to doctors, there are other needs in the hospital, in particular, renovation of wards and furniture, modernization of the technological base and equipment to expand the range of medical services.
During the meeting, the management of the medical institution together with representatives of the International Charity Foundation of Oleksandr Petrovsky “Solidarity” discussed the next steps and plans for further cooperation.
