
Birthday day

Birthday day


Representatives of the International Benevolent Foundation of Oleksandr Petrovsky “Solidarity” celebrated Birthday Day for their special friends. For the graduates of the Dnipropetrovsk orphanage boarding school, it offers a festive atmosphere and the ability to celebrate National Day with a number of friends.
In addition to various types of relishes, feasting with animals has become an unforgettable treat for children with special needs. Before arriving at the boarding school, there was a petting zoo. The residents got to know a decorative rabbit and a hedgehog, a guinea pig, a turtle and a gecko.
“Prior to this day, third-year students also joined the University of Finance and Finance to undergo internship on the basis of the International Benevolent Fund of Oleksandr Petrovsky “Solidarity”. These future social workers ї spheres, as well as students looming in the distance to ruin their profession,” said the vice-president of the Solidarity charitable foundation ” Yana Ivanilova.
Share the joy with friends by graduating from the orphanage orphanage Mikita. He lingered here for 15 years, after which he entered college, received his diploma and entered into a regional life of power. The boy will guess, at the hour of starting at the boarding school, various master classes were introduced and the “Solidarity” fund was in charge for the children.
Children really feel this kind of excitement and encouragement. For happiness there is no need for a special date, which can be seen today from a number of close and friends.

